Anatomy Previous Year Question Papers (WBUHS)

In this post, we are including 2010-2021 Previous Year (Regular) and 2016-2021(Supplementary) Papers of Anatomy. This is based on WBUHS.


• 2 Long answer questions. (2×15=30)
• 3 Essay type questions. (3×10=30)
• 2 Short Notes (Including 1 AETCOM in Paper 1). (2×5=10)
• 5 Explain Why. (5×4=20)
• 10 MCQs. (10×1=10)




• Upper Limb
• Thorax including Diaphragm
• Abdomen and Pelvis
• General Histology and Systemic Histology
• General Embryology and Systemic Embryology.


• Lower Limb
• Head and Neck
• Neuro-anatomy
• General anatomy
• Genetics
• Systemic Histology
• Systemic Embryology



1. Describe the intrinsic muscles of the hand. What is total claw hand?[10+2] [2014]
2. Name the nerve involved in the fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus. Describe the course and distribution of the nerve beyond the elbow. Mention sensory and motor disabilities following the nerve injury.[1+6+5] [2013]
3. Enumerate the ligaments of shoulder joint. How is the stability of the joint maintained? Mention the nerve supply of the joint. Discuss the mechanism of elevation of arm above the head. Which type of dislocation is common and why? [2+2+2+4+2] [2016]
4. Describe the brachial plexus under the following headings: roots, trunks, divisions and cords. What do you mean by Erb’s point? Add a note on Klumpke’s paralysis. [6+3+3] [2015]
5. What are the palmar spaces? Describe the thenar muscles with their nerve supply and actions. [3+9][2017]
6. a) Describe wrist joint under following headings: [2+2+3+2+3][2019] i)Type of joint ii)Ligaments iii)Movements & muscles. iv)Applied importance.
7.Write in brief the movements of the shoulder joint with muscles assisting such movements. What is the common dislocation seen in shoulder joint and what structure(s) is/are vulnerable in such dislocation? [6+3+3][2018]


1. A man presents with neuromuscular disability following the fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus. Give a brief account of the nerve affected for its close relation to that part of the bone. From your anatomical knowledge, mention the motor and sensory defects that may arise. [5+2][2010][2015]
2. Enumerate the intrinsic muscles of the hand. What are the palmar spaces? What is whitlow?[3+2+2][2019]
3. Radial nerve in radial groove. [7][2016 supple]
4. Describe axillary group of lymph nodes with their drainage area. What is axillary tail? [5+2][2017 supple]
5. Describe the formation of brachial plexus from roots to cords. Which nerve is known as musician’s nerve? Describe claw-hand deformity and ulnar paradox briefly. [3+1+3][2017 supple]
6. What is pronation and supination? In which joint pronation and supination occurs? Give its axis of movement. Describe the muscles involved. [2+1+1+3][2018]
7. Name the nerve that is injured in fracture of surgical neck of humerus. What is then origin and the effects of injury to the nerve? [1+4+2][2019 supple]

GROUP-C (3/5 MARKS) (Short Note)

1. Anatomical snuff box [2014]
2. Cephalic vein [2013]
3. Quadrangular and triangular spaces [2012][2019 supple]
4. Clavipectoral fascia [2010]
5. Painful arc syndrome [2014]
6. Midpalmar space [2016 supple]
7. Erb’s palsy [2018 supple]
8. Claw hand [2019 supple]


1. Clavicle is a modified long bone. [2013][2018 supple][2020 New Regulation]
2. Injury to the radial nerve in the cubital fossa will not cause wrist drop. [2012]
3. Injury to the long thoracic nerve causes winging of the scapula. [2012]
4. Upper end of the humerus is an example of a compound epiphysis. [2010]
5. Fracture of shaft of humerus causes wrist drop. [2017]
6. Winging of scapula. [2015 supple][2016 supple][2018 supple]
7. Anatomical basis of Peau d’orange appearance and retraction of nipple in case of carcinoma of breast. [2016 supple]
8. Pulp space infection may lead to avascular necrosis of terminal phalanx. [2018 supple]
9. Basilic vein is preferred to cephalic vein in cardiac catheterization. [2018][2020 New Regulation]
10. In scaphoid fracture, proximal segment undergoes avascular necrosis. [2018]



1. Name the bones forming the knee joint. Describe the locking and unlocking movements of knee joint. [2+10][2014]
2. What are the muscles exposed after cutting the Gluteus Maximus. Name the nerves supplying these muscles. What are the actions of these muscles on hip joint? [3+4+5][2012]
3. Following an automobile injury a person lost the adductor movement of his leg. Describe the injured nerve under following headings: origin, branches and distribution. [3+4+5][2011]
4. Describe the hip joint under the following headings: i)Formation ii)Movements and their axes iii)Muscles responsible iv)Applied [2+2+4+4][2016 supple]
5. Name the different arches of the foot. How are medial and lateral longitudinal arches formed? Describe the factors maintaining the medial longitudinal arch of the foot. Describe pes planus (flat foot) deformity in short. [4+2+2+2+2][2017 supple]
6. Describe the hip joint under the following headings: i)Ligaments of the joint ii)Muscles producing different movements iii)Blood supply. [3+6+3][2018 supple]
7. What is the type and subtype of hip joint? Name four ligaments of the hip joint. What are the active movements permitted in the hip joint? What are the axes of these movements and which muscles are responsible? What is the cause of avascular necrosis of the head of femur? [2+2+2+4+2][2019 supple]


1. Describe the factors maintaining the longitudinal arches of the foot. What are the disadvantages of flat foot? [5+2][2013]
2. A bus conductor is having prominent veins in the leg during standing position. What are the superficial veins present in the leg? What are the origin, termination, tributaries of the short saphenous vein? What is varicosity of leg veins? [2+4+1][2011]
3. A factory worker presents with swollen painful inguinal lymph nodes following an uncared wound at the medial side of ankle. Explain the complication from your anatomical knowledge. Write a brief note on inguinal lymph nodes. [2+5][2010]
4. Describe the perforating veins of the lower limb. Add a note on varicose veins. [5+2][2016 supple]
5. Factors maintaining medial longitudinal arch of the foot. [7][2019 supple]
6. Describe the knee joint under the following headings: i)Enumerate 4 ligaments ii)Locking and unlocking mechanism iii)Muscles producing movements of knee joint iv)Unhappy triad [2+4+2+2][2020 New Regulation]
7. What is venous ulcer? Write in short the venous drainage of lower limb. [3+7][2020 New Regulation]


1. Femoral sheath.[2013][2018]
2. Deltoid ligament.[2011]
3. Popliteus muscle.[2010][2017 supple][2018 supple]
4. Hamstring group of muscle.[2019]
5. Spring ligament [2012 supple][2018]
6. Lumbar plexus. [2018]
7. Arteria dorsalis pedis [2019 supple]


1. Foot drop after the fracture of the neck of the fibula. [2011][2020 New Regulation]
2. Peroneus longus muscle has effects on both longitudinal and transverse arches of foot.[2010]
3. Tear of medial meniscus is more frequent than of lateral meniscus of knee joint. [2019][2017 supple]
4. Injury at neck of fibula results in foot drop. [2011 supple][2016 supple]
5. Soleus is known as the peripheral heart. [2019 supple][2020 New Regulation]



1. Describe the transverse pericardial sinus with its development. What is its clinical importance? [8+2+2][2014]
2. Give an account of pleura. Mention its nerve supply. What is the site of choice for insertion of needle to drain pleural fluid and why? [6+3+3][2013]
3. Pleura: types, nerve supply, reflections/recesses, applied importance. [2017]
4. Write an account of the venous drainage of the thoracic wall. What is the fate of sinus venosus? [9+3][2019]
5. Give an account of the subdivisions of different parts of parietal pleura with their nerve supply. Mention the relations of its mediastinal and cervical parts. What are open and tension pneumothorax? Why is the pain of pleural pathology mistaken as pain of acute abdomen? [4+4+2+2][2017 supple]
6.Give an account of the Diaphragm under the following headings: i)Origin ii)Major openings iii)Nerve supply iv)Clinical importance [4+4+2+2][2018 supple]
7. Describe the interior of right atrium of heart. Discuss the development of interventricular septum. [7+5][2018]
8. Effect on thoracic diameters during inspiration [3+3+2+4][2019 supple]
9. What are broncho-pulmonary segments? Enumerate the broncho-pulmonary segments of the left lung. Draw a labelled diagram illustrating the segments. Mention the vascular supply of the segments along with clinical significance. [2+4+4+2+3][2020 New Regulation]


1. Give the development of atrioventricular septum. A pin pricked to the right side of the septum reaches which part of the heart? [5+2][2014]
2. Describe the coronary arterial supply of heart. What is coronary dominance? [6+1][2012]
3. A young patient with repeated vomiting and reflux on examination was diagnosed with diaphragmatic hernia. Explain the condition from your anatomical knowledge. Give the origin, insertion and nerve supply of diaphragm. [2+5][2011]
4. A patient with history of cough, fever and breathlessness was diagnosed to be a case of pleural effusion. Give a brief account of pleura with its recesses and nerve supply. [2010]
5. Name the different parts of the pleura. Give the nerve supply and development of pleura. What is the clinical importance of costodiaphragmatic recess of pleura? [2+3+2][2019]
6. What are the different parts of the conducting system of the heart? What is the applied anatomy of it? [5+2][2016 supple]
7. What is typical intercostal space? What are the contents of intercostal spaces? Describe intercostal arteries. [2+1+4][2018]
8. Development of IVC. [7][2019 supple]
9. Mention origin, course and branches of left coronary artery. What do you mean by coronary dominance? [2+2+3+3][2020 New Regulation]


1. Central tendon of diaphragm. [2015]
2. Bronchopulmonary segments of left lung.[2016]
3. Ligamentum arteriosum. [2014][2016 supple]
4. Nerve supply of apical pleura. [2014]
5. Inlet of thorax. [2013]
6. 1st intercostal nerve. [2012]
7. Left coronary artery. [2010]
8. Broncho-pulmonary segments. [2016]
9. S.A. Node. [2019]
10. Tracheo-oesophageal fistula. [2012]
11. Transposition of great vessels.[2011]
12. Root of the lung [2016 supple]
13. Azygos vein [2018 supple][2020 New Regulation]
14. Fallot’s tetralogy. [2018][2019 supple]
15. Coronary sinus. [2018]
16. Posterior intercostal veins [2019 supple]


1. Central tendon of thoraco-abdominal diaphragm is blending with the basal part of fibrous pericardium. [2014][2018][2020 New Regulation]
2. Type of respiration in infants is abdominal, whereas thoracic in adult females and thoraco-abdominal in adult males. [2012]
3. Segments 2 and 6 of lungs are sites of lung abscess. [2011]
4. Entry of foreign body is common to the right bronchus. [2011]
5. Intercostal nerves other than 3rd to 6th are-atypical. [2010]
6. 2nd intercostal nerve is an atypical nerve. [2019]
7. Phrenic avulsion at the root of the neck may produce alarming hemorrhage. [2017 supple]
8.Lung abscess is more common in the right lung. [2019 supple][2020 New Regulation]



1. Give a brief note on ureter. Mention its microscopic structure & development. In which clinical condition pain may extend from loin to groin involving ureter? [5+2+2+4][2013]
2. A young married lady with the history of missed period, suddenly collapsed with sharp lower abdominal pain & was diagnosed ruptured tubal pregnancy. What is the commonest site of tubal pregnancy and its fate? Mention the parts of this tube, blood supply, histological structure and development. [2+3+2+3+2][2012]
3. A 50 years old man was brought to OPD with a complaint of swelling at the midline of anterior abdominal wall over an operative scar. Swelling was diagnosed as incisional hernia through the rectus sheath. A) Give its formation at different levels. B) What are the contents of the rectus sheath? C) Define the sheath. Why is median incision not preferred over the anterior abdominal wall? [2+5+3+2][2011]
4. An old man suffering from carcinoma of prostate with metastasis in vertebra. From your anatomical knowledge explain this complication. Discuss briefly the capsules, lobes, and relations of the prostate gland. Add a note on the interior of the organ. [2+6+4][2010]
5. Prevaginal examination of an elderly lady suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease reveals collection of fluid in the pouch of Douglas. Write a note on this pouch and peritoneal as well as visceral relation of the uterus. Give a brief account of the supports to this organ.[3+4+5][2010]
6. Describe the formation of rectus sheath. Name the contents of the sheath. What is the function of tendinous insertions and at which level are they present? [6+3+1+2][2016]
7. Describe the shutter mechanism of inguinal canal and mention the anatomical differences between oblique and direct inguinal hernias. [6+6][2015]
8. Describe the internal features of anal canal with epithelial lining of each division. Why is the pectinate line called watershed line of anal canal? What is the importance of Hilton’s line? Mention the development of anal canal.Define internal hemorrhoids and mention their common sites. [4+2+2+2+2][2017]
9. What is anteversion and anteflexion of uterus? Give an account of the ligamentous, muscular and visceral supports of uterus. What is prolapse of the uterus? Describe lymphatic drainage of uterus in short and mention its importance. [2+4+2+3+1][2019]
10. Describe the internal features of the lumen of rectum with special reference on the Houston’s valves. What is the peritoneal relations of the organ? What are the different curves seen here? What is anorectal sling? [6+2+2+2][2016 supple]
11. Describe pancreas under the following headings: i)Parts with blood supply ii)Development with anomalies iii)Histology [4+4+4][2017 supple]
12. Mention the gross anatomy of portal vein. What are the different sites of portocaval anastomoses? What is internal rectal piles? [5+5+2][2018 supple]
13. Describe different parts of male urethra in detail. What are hypospadias? [9+3][2018]
14. Give the presenting parts and relations of ovary. Give a brief account of development of ovary. Draw a labelled diagram of Graafian follicle. [5+4+3][2019 supple]


1. Describe the common bile duct in short. What is the importance of Calot’s triangle? [5+2][2014][2016]
2. What are the anatomical factors that prevent the gastro-esophageal regurgitation? Give an account of histological structures of oesophagus. [4+3][2013]
3. Give an account of uterine cervix. Mention its lymphatic drainage. [4+3][2013]
4. Describe the histology of classical hepatic lobule. What is liver acinus? [5+2][2012]
5. Why is ischio-rectal abscess very painful when abscess is superficial? Write boundaries and contents of the fossa. [1+4+2][2012]
6. Name the false ligaments of the liver. State within which mesogastrium development of liver takes place and what are the remnants of it. Write from which part of gut, liver bud develops? [4+1+1+1][2011]
7. Name the parts of the large intestine with their corresponding length in adults. Describe the structures of large gut with diagrams.[2.5+4.5][2011]
8. A teenage girl suffering from acute appendicitis got an initial attack of pain around umbilicus, which was finally localized in right iliac fossa.State the anatomical reasons of pain in the areas. Give an account of positions of vermiform appendix.[3+4][2010]
9. Describe the interior of anal canal alongwith its histological structure. [4+3][2015]
10. Describe the cervix uteri. What is its clinical importance? [5+2][2016] 11. Describe the lymphatic drainage of stomach. Why does Virchow’s lymph nodes get enlarged in carcinoma of stomach? [5+2][2017]
12. Compare the relations of the anterior surface of both the kidneys. Give outlines of development of metanephric kidneys. [4+3][2019]
13. Blood supply of stomach with its applied importance. [5+2][2016 supple]
14. Write the blood supply of suprarenal gland. Draw and label the histological structure of the gland. [3+4][2018 supple]
15. Define hernia with types of inguinal hernias. Name the structures forming the boundaries of inguinal canal. [2+5][2018 supple]
16. Give an account of formation and tributaries of portal vein. Discuss in brief the development of portal vein.[4+3][2018]
17. Embryology and histology of pancreas. [4+3][2019 supple]
18. Compare the relations of anterior surfaces of the kidneys. Write a note on development of metanephric kidney. [5+5][2020 New Regulation]
19.Write briefly the lymphatic drainage of stomach. Draw a diagram and mention the clinical importance of lymphatic drainage of stomach. [5+2+3][2020 New Regulation]


1. Ovarian fossa on lateral pelvic wall. [2013,‘07]
2. Epiploic foramen. [2012,‘11]
3. Umbilical cord. [2012]
4. Left renal vein. [2011]
5. Inter-vertebral disc.[2010,‘08]
6. Physiological umbilical hernia.[2010]
7. Mackenrodt’s ligament. [2012]
8. Perineal body.[2019]
9. Internal trigone of urinary bladder.[2014]
10. Broad ligament of uterus.[2014]
11. 11.Prostatic part of male urethra.[2015]
12. Caput medusa. [2015]
13. Ligamentous supports of uterus. [2017 supple]
14. Spermatic cord [2018 supple]
15. Deep inguinal ring [2019 supple]
16. Meckel’s diverticulum [2019 supple]
17. Polycystic kidney [2019 supple]


1. Varicocele of testis is common. [2014]
2. Carcinoma of head of pancreas may produce jaundice. [2014][2016 supple]
3. A newborn baby presents with imperforate anus. [2013]
4. Pain of appendicitis is referred to umbilicus. [2013][2016 supple]
5. Cholecystitis causes pain in right shoulder. [2011]
6. Urinary fistula at the level of umbilicus in a newborn baby. [2011]
7. A patient is detected to have horse-shoe shaped kidney. [2010]
8. A patient of cirrhosis of liver presents with “Caput Medusa”. [2010]
9. Appendix of testes is embryologically diferent from appendix of epididymis. [2017]
10. Pleural sac may be accidentally opened during exposure of kidney from the back. [2017]
11. Newborn baby passes urine through umbilicus. [2016]
12. Pubic tubercle is important landmark for femoral and inguinal hernia. [2016]
13. In prostatic carcinoma, X-ray of lumbosacral vertebrae is to be advised. [2016]
14. Dropping of the kidney is not followed by suprarenal gland. [2016]
15. Inner layer of myometrium acts as a living ligature of uterus during menstruation & parturition. [2015]
16. Carcinoma of head of pancreas may cause Jaundice. [2019]
17. Appendix is said to be abdominal tonsil. [2019][2020 New Regulation]
18. Formation of polycystic kidney. [2012 supple][2018 supple]
19. Caput Medusa. [2016 supple]
20. Renal colic radiates from loin to groin. [2017 supple]
21. Inflammation in ovary may present with low back pain. [2018 supple]
22. Low back pain in prostate carcinoma. [2018]
23. Which ureter is more prone to injury in cervical cancer in women and why? [2018]



1. A man suffering from hypertension, bleed from Litle’s area of nose. Give an account on the formation, arterial supply, nerve supply, and lining epithelium of the nasal septum with a note on Little’s area. [4+2+2+2+2][2012]
2. Following thyroidectomy, a patient may develop hoarseness of voice. Explain the statement. Give a brief account of intrinsic muscles of larynx and their action on Rima glotidis. [2+10][2012]
3. A child came to the OPD with a complaint of injury to the external ear. On examination, a perforation was found in the tympanic membrane. Discuss the gross anatomy, arterial supply, and nerve supply of tympanic membrane & external auditory canal .[3+1+2+3+1+2][2011]
4. A person with history of inability to close his mouth immediately after yawning. What is the anatomical basis of it? Describe the muscles and ligaments related to the anatomical site affected. [2+5+5][2011]
5. Following an operation of right parotid gland, a patient develops weakness of facial muscles of that side. State the relations of the affected cranial nerve with respect to the parotid gland. Give a brief account of the functional components, intracranial course and distribution of the nerve. [2+10][2010]
6. A patient is brought to the physician presenting right sided ocular signs of ptosis, strabismus, diplopia and a loss of accommodation as well as the light reflex with contralateral hemiplagia. From your anatomical knowledge, explain the lesion. Give a brief account of the cranial nerve affected. [2+10][2010]
7. Describe cavernous sinus under the following headings: A) General informations; B) Structures passing through the sinus; C) Tributaries; D) Communications. [2017][3+3+3+3]
8. Describe the parotid gland on following headings: [2+2+3+2+3][2019] i) Covering.ii) Relation iii) Nerve supply iv) Arrangement of structures passing through gland. v) Frey’s Syndrome.
9. What is Waldeyer’s ring? Describe the palatine tonsil with its relations, blood supply and nerve supply. Why is pain in tonsillitis referred to middle ear? [2+7+3][2016 supple]
10.Enumerate the muscles of the tongue. Describe the nerve supply of tongue on embryological basis. What are the features of hypoglossal nerve palsy? Write the structure of taste bud. What is ankyloglossia? [2+3+3+2+2][2017 supple]
11. Describe the location, coverings, relations, nerve supply and microanatomy of the parotid gland. [2+2+3+2+3] [2016]
12. Enumerate muscles of soft palate. Give their origin, insertion, nerve supply and functions. What is Passavant’s ridge? [2+8+2][2018]
13. Describe the palatine tonsil under the following headings: 1. Location 2. Relations 3. Histology 4. Blood supply 5. Development [1+3+3+3+2][2019 supple]
14. A patient develops hoarseness of voice following thyroidectomy operation. Explain hoarseness of voice anatomically. Mention nerve supply of intrinsic muscles of larynx. [5+2+8][2020 New Regulation]


1. Name the paranasal air sinuses. Mention the factors which help to drain out the contents of the maxillary air sinus. Why are these sinuses developed around the nose? [2+3+2][2014]
2. Mention the muscles of pharynx. Give their nerve supply. What is Kilian’s dehiscence? [3+2+2][2014]
3. Enumerate the paired venous sinuses in skull. Write brief note oncavernous sinus. [3+4][2013]
4. Fishbones badly stuck in pyriform fossa of pharynx was removed with prolonged effort causing laceration of tissue. Give boundaries of pyriform fossa, its sensory nerve supply and possible deleterious effects of tissue damage. [2+2+2][2013]
5. Describe the development of tongue. Correlate the nerve supply of tongue with its development. [4+3][2012]
6. An old man presents an ulcer along the margin of tongue which was diagnosed as carcinoma of the tongue. Which groups of lymph nodes are likely to be enlarged? Discuss briefly the lymphatic drainage of tongue. [2+5][2011]
7. A patient with increased intracranial tension presents with medial squint/strabismus. Explain the reason for medial squint. Give a brief account of the anatomy of the structures involved. [2+5] [2011]
8. During surgical operation of thyroid gland, a surgeon must be careful to avoid injury to some nerves. Mention the components, distribution and effect of lesions of these nerves. [2+3+2][2010]
9. Enumerate the extra-ocular muscles with their nerve supply and functions. [4+3][2017]
10. Nerve supply of the tongue with developmental explanation. What is tongue tie? [6+1][2019]
11.Name the paranasal air sinuses. Give their nerve supply and opening. Why are they situated around the nose? [2+3+2][2016 supple]
12. Enumerate the peripheral parasympathetic ganglion in the head and neck region. Add a brief note on ciliary ganglion. [2+5][2016 supple]
13. Mechanism of phonation. [2017 supple]
14. Describe extra-cranial course and distribution of facial nerve. What are the features of Bell’s palsy? [5+2][2017 supple][2018]
15. Describe the medial wall of middle ear cavity. [7][2017 supple]
16. Boundaries of orbit with clinical importance. [7][2018 supple]
17. Name the pharyngeal arches with examples. [7][2018 supple]
18. Describe the external auditory meatus with clinical significance. [5+2][2019 supple]
19. Name the muscles of tongue with their nerve supply. What is lingual tonsil? [6+4][2020 New Regulation]


1. Branchial cyst.[2013]
2. Otic ganglion.[2013][2017 supple][2018]
3. Temporo-mandibular joint.[2013]
4. Dangerous area of face.[2013][2020 New Regulation]
5. Ciliary ganglion.[2012]
6. Lacrimal apparatus.[2012]
7. Tympanic membrane.[2012]
8. Ansa cervicalis.[2012]
9. Inlet of larynx.[2011]
10. Development of soft palate[2011]
11. Spine of sphenoid.[2011]
12. Thyroglossal duct.[2010]
13. Middle meatus of nose.[2010]
14. Circulation of aqueous humor.[2010]
15. Ciliary body.[2004][2016]
16. Pyriform fossa with clinical importance.[2014]
17. Muscles of the first branchial arch with their nerve supply.[2014][2017]
18. Dangerous area of scalp.[2014][2016]
19. Styloid apparatus.[2014, 2011 supple, 2013 supple, 2016 supple]
20. Spinal accessory nerve.[2017]
21. Speech area of brain.[2015]
22. Structure and nerve supply of tympanic membrane.[2015]
23. Rima Glottidis.[2016][2018][2019 supple]
24. Nasolacrimal duct.[2016]
25. Cavernous sinus with connections.[2019]
26. Structure of cornea.[2019]
27. Ciliary ganglion.[2019]
28. Sensory innervations of face.[2019]
29. Meckel’s cartilage [2010 supple][2019 supple]
30. Movements of temporomandibular joint [2011 supple][2016 supple]
31. Little’s area of epistaxis [2014 supple][2017 supple]
32. Cornea [2016 supple]
33. 1st pharyngeal arch [2017 supple]
34. Sinus of Morgagni [2019 supple]
35. Cleft Palate [2019 supple]


1. Pain is referred to the middle ear in ulcer of posterior part of the tongue. [2014]
2. A patient having fracture of sphenoidal spine complains of loss of taste sensation at a later date. [2014]
3. Inflammation of parotid gland is very painful. [2014][2016 supple]
4. In tonsilitis, pain is referred to the middle ear. [2013][2015]
5. Superior parathyroids are inferior in position [2013,’11]
6. Optic disc in eye-ball is known as blind spot. [2013,‘06]
7. Postero-inferior part of tympanic membrane is chosen for myringotomy. [2013]
8. Macular vision is generally spared in lesion/thrombosis of posterior cerebral artery. [2012][2016 supple][2018 supple]
9. Optic nerve cannot regenerate after injury. [2012][2017 supple]
10. A patient of pituitary tumor suffers from bitemporal hemianopia.[2014,’10][2016]
11. Layer of loose connective tissue of scalp is known as dangerous area of scalp.[2010,’08]
12. Repeated throat infection, if neglected, may cause mastoiditis. [2010,’08]
13. Right recurrent laryngeal nerve hooks around right subclavian artery while the left one rounds the ligamentum arteriosum. [2008][2016][2018]
14. Parotiditis is very painful. [2017]
15. Syringing of external ear may sometimes cause vaso-vagal atack of the patient. [2016]
16. Increased intra-cranial pressure may cause medial squint. [2015]
17. Posterior crico-arytenoid muscle acts as safety muscle of larynx. [2015][2020 New Regulation]
18. Dry mouth in fracture of spine of sphenoid. [2019]
19. Hyperacusis due to lesions of intrapetrous part of the facial nerve. [2012 supple][2018 supple]
20. Thyroid swelling moves up and down with deglutition. [2014 supple][2018]
21. Cadaveric position of Rima Glottidis. [2016 supple]
22. Patient after thyroidectomy complains of hoarseness of voice. [2017 supple]
23. Trauma over forehead may produce black eye. [2017 supple]
24. Inferior parathyroid is developmentally superior. [2017 supple]
25. Inflammation of tubal tonsil gives rise to difficulty in hearing. [2018 supple]



1. Give the arterial supply of the superolateral surface of the brain. What is macular sparing? [10+2][2014]
2. What is arterial circle of Willis? Describe the arterial supply of superolateral surface of cerebral hemisphere. [5+7][2016]
3. Enumerate the white fibres in the brain.Describe the internal capsule under the following headings:Parts with relations, fibres passing through different parts and blood supply. What is stroke? [2+3+4+2+1][2017]
4. Describe the extent and boundaries of different parts of the lateral ventricle of the brain. Where and how is its third content formed? [10+2][2016 supple]
5. What are the different types of white fibres in the brain? How is internal capsule formed? Write in brief different parts of internal capsule with clinical importance and arterial supply.[3+2+3+4+3][2020 New Regulation]


1. CT scan of the brain of a patient suffering from cerebro-vascular accident shows a lesion in the internal capsule of the brain. State why this part is called “Internal Capsule”. Mention the diferent fibres passing through the internal capsule. Add a note on its blood supply. [1+3+3][2010]
2. Describe the walls and communications of 3rd ventricle. What is noncommunicating type of hydrocephalus? [4+1+2][2016]
3. Describe the floor of the 4th ventricle with proper diagram. [7][2017]
4. What are the different parts of cerebellum? Mention their blood supply. What is cerebellar ataxia? [4+2+1][2015]
5. Draw a labelled diagram of the section of Midbrain at the level of superior colliculus. What is Weber’s syndrome? [5+2][2019]
6. Write a note on internal capsule of brain with its blood supply. What is hemiplagia? [5+2][2012] 7.Blood supply of superolateral surface of cerebrum. [7][2018 supple]


1. Thalamic nuclei. [2011]
2. Boundaries and communications of 3rd ventricle of the brain. [2010]
3. Blood supply of spinal cord. [2017]
4. Speech area of brain. [2015][2018 supple]
5. Fornix [2017 supple]
6. Medial medullary syndrome [2017 supple]
7. Third ventricle of brain [2018 supple]
8. Pia mater of spinal cord [2018 supple]


1. Patient with pituitary tumor suffers from bitemporal hemianopia. [2016][2018]
2. Increased intra-cranial pressure may cause medial squint. [2015]
3. In anterior spinal artery syndrome there is bilateral loss of pain and temperature sensation but conscious proprioceptive sensations are intact.[2015]
4. Increased pressure of CSF in subarachnoid space is easily diagnosed by ophthalmoscopic examination of the eyes. [2017][2016 supple]
5. Ischemic damage to anterior limb of internal capsule may affect recent memory tracing.[2019]
6. Abducent nerve palsy is a common manifestation of increased intracranial pressure. [2019][2019 supple]
7. Obliquity and length of the spinal nerve roots increase progressively from above downwards. [2016]
8. Lumbar puncture is done at the level of L3 -L4 interspinous space. [2016 supple]
9. Optic disc of the eye is called blind spot. [2018 supple]



1. Describe the development of placenta in short. What is placenta previa? [2+5][2014]
1. What is metaphysis of a growing bone? Give its importance. [2+5][2014]
2. Mention the main structural characteristics of a synovial joint. Classify synovial joint with example of each type. [3+4][2012]
3. 4. Describe the histology of a classical Hepatic lobule with a diagram. What is liver acinus?[5+2][2019]
4. Define long bone. Describe the different parts of young long bone. Describe the blood supply of long bone. [1+3+3][2016]
5. Enumerate the layers of placental barrier chronologically and mention its clinical significance. [5+2][2017 supple]
6. Enumerate structural classification of joints. Write different types of fibrous joints with appropriate examples. [5+2][2018 supple]


1. Difference b/w transitional and stratified squamous epithelium. [2014]
2. Capacitation. [2014]
3. Placental barrier. [2013]
4. Non-disjunction. [2013]
5. Epiphyseal cartilage. [2012]
6. Down’s syndrome. [2011,‘04][2018 supple]
7. Klinefelter’s syndrome. [2011][2020 New Regulation]
8. Plasma cell. [2010,‘05]
9. Notochord. [2007][2016]
10. Sarcomere. [2016]
11. Karyotyping. [2016][2018 supple]
12. Blastocyst. [2015]
13. Turner’s syndrome. [2015]
14.Laws of ossification. [2015]
15. Translocation. [2019]
16. Blastocyst. [2019]
17. Classification of glands with one example of each.[2019]
18. Metaphysis [2011 supple][2016 supple]
19. Transitional epithelium [2012 supple][2018]
20. Somites [2016 supple]
21. Barr body. [2016 supple]
22. Histology of lymph node [2016 supple]
23. Hyaline cartilage [2017 supple]
24. Sex-linked inheritance [2017 supple]
25. Derivatives of neural crest. [2017 supple]
26. Sesamoid bone. [2018]
27. Pivot joint [2019 supple][2020 New Regulation]
28. Neuroglial cells [2019 supple]


1. Osteoclast. [2014]
2. Double Barr body in Klinefelter’s syndrome.[2012,’11, ’19]
3. Monozygotic twins are identical while dizygotic twins are nonidentical.[2012][2020 New Regulation]
4. An elderly female (38yrs) gave birth to a baby who is examined to have a roundedface, epicanthic folds and characteristic single palmar crease (Simian Crease) on the palm. Explain the genetic cause of the event. [2011]
5. Annular pancreas. [2016]
6. Ectopic pregnancy. [2015 supple][2017 supple]
8. Capacitation is necessary for fertilization. [2017 supple]
9. Monozygotic and dizygotic twins. [2019 supple]

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Ayan Jana

Thank you for this topic wise information…